A list of self-paced professional development workshops that we currently offer to Early Childhood Educators and Childcare Providers can be found below. Upon completion of all online workshops, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion which may be counted towards their required professional development hours.
Please note that we work hard to keep our workshops relevant with the most up-to-date information and best practices in Early Childhood Education, Child Development and Psychology. We often make revisions to our workshop content as we learn, grow, and collect feedback from participants. If you (or a member of your team) have taken a workshop from us in the past, there is a good chance that at least some of that workshop's content has been updated/revised.
Current Online Workshop Topics

Supporting Newcomer Children & Families
In this workshop, participants will be asked to think about newcomer families (including new immigrants and refugees), and how we can best support these families and their children as they adjust to new childcare settings. Throughout the workshop, participants will be asked to think with a pedagogy of humility to better support the children and families they work with.

Anti-Bias Curriculum In Early Years
This workshop includes information that is part of the social justice and anti-biased/anti-racism workshops that can be found on the main course space or under "all courses". This workshop bridges off of fundamental social justice perspectives to think about anti-biased curriculum, thinking with BC Early Learning Framework perspectives and multiple perspectives.

Introduction to Social Justice In ECE
This workshop provides participants with an introduction into what social justice is and why it matters in Early Childhood Education. This workshop goes through parts of the BC Early Leaning Framework revisions and living inquiries.

Intuitive Approaches To Practice With Young Children
In this workshop, participants are encouraged to self reflect on their expectations and triggers, and to explore what it means to take an intuitive approach to practice with young children.

The BC Early Learning Framework (Vision & Principles)
In this workshop, participants will get an overview of the revisions, vision, the BC Early Learning Framework truth and reconciliation commitments as well as the First Peoples Principles and Early Learning Framework Principles to reimagine what Early Childhood and Education can be.

Anti-Bias & Anti-Racist Perspectives In Early Years
In this workshop, participants are provided with examples of biases and racism that may be present in early years classrooms, curriculum, policies, and practices. Participants are encouraged to think with anti-racist and anti-biased perspectives.

The BC Early Learning Framework: Exploring The Revisions
This workshop provides participants with an overview of the revisions to the 2019 BC Early Learning Framework.